Briefly Diet Most of our nutrients belong to one of three major groups: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is a common misconception that only high fat foods are fattening and unhealthy, and not many know that an adult's necessary protein intake is fairly small. However, today's most perilous nutrients are the carbohydrates, and the fast-absorbing 'bad' ones - carbohydrates with a high glycemic index -, most of all. Not to forget that sugar is not only refined sugar, it can be found in all kinds of food - milk, bread, apples, potatoes, for example. Patients with an established insuline disorder can be treated with the right carbohydrate intake. The right kind of carbohydrate, the slow-absorbing carbohydrate, which is our ally, and necessary nutrient, since it takes up aproximately 50% of our daily intake. Patients should be aware of our foods' approximate carbohydrate content and glycemic index. What can I eat, and how much? Which are the 'good' carbohydrates? Patients should follow a regulated diet, with 5 meals per day. Mealtimes should be kept regular also, with breakfast before 7.30am, lunch between 12-1pm, and dinner between 6-7pm (earlier in winter, allowed later in summer). Dietary recommendations: wholemeal cereals, natural and soured dairy products, plenty of vegetables (min. 2-3x per day), fruits with moderation, and only as accompanying meals, in moderate amounts. Bananas and grapes are not recommended, and neither are dessicated fruits, due to their concentrated fructose content. Refined sugar should strongly be avoided. Milk may be consumed, but only with evening meals, and with a maximum amount of 2 deciliters. 50-60 grams of wholemeal bread may be consumed for breakfast. Between breakfast and lunch, 2-3 dl yoghurt with cereals (extruded cereals, oat flakes etc). Larger bits of fruit (apple, pear, peach, orange) can be incorporated in amounts of 1; while smaller fruits (apricots, clementines, plums, kiwi) can be eaten in 2-3s; and berry fruits (cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries) should be eaten in portions no larger than 200-300 grams. Vegetables may be consumed without limitation. Potatoes however, should be consumed with moderation, and primarily in boiled form, in portions of maximum 200 grams. Pastas made of durum wheat can be eaten at mid-day meals; if rice, it should preferably be brown rice, and it can also be eaten with vegetables or mushrooms. Rice should be swapped with oat flakes or pearl barley for layered (rakott) meals and stuffed cabbage (töltött káposzta). Vissza az előző oldalra
A rendelés címe: 4024 Debrecen, Batthyány utca 14.  Bejelentkezés: 06-20/322-0375
Dr. Valicskó Viktória  belgyógyász, diabetológus, endokrinológus